At HalfCourt Capital we are dedicated to being the first believers in an AI founder’s vision and supporting them as they transform the world with their technology.
Our Team
Rob May
Rob May is a product engineer, serial entrepreneur, and co-founder of HalfCourt Capital. The first company he built was Backupify, the world’s first cloud-to-cloud backup and recovery solution for SaaS applications, growing the business to over 9,000 customers and 90 employees before being acquired by Datto. Rob went on to found Talla (acquired by Seva), Dianthus, and BrandGuard.ai, developing AI products for customer support, eCommerce, and marketing, respectively.
In his spare time Rob publishes the Investing in AI newsletter, hosts the AI Innovator’s Podcast, runs the AI Innovators Community which he founded, and is a diehard college basketball fan. Prior to founding his first company, he worked as a hardware engineer and holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and an M.B.A. from the University of Kentucky.
Todd Earwood
Todd Earwood is a serial entrepreneur with multiple exits in IT services and B2B SaaS and co-founder of HalfCourt Capital. In his last company, Integrate IQ, their industry leading data integration platform connected CRM to ERP syncing over 12 billion fields per year. Todd exited that company in 2023.
After selling his last company, Todd has spent his time serving on several corporate boards and hosting events for corporate and entrepreneur leaders.In his spare time Todd is an avid tennis player, event host and proud father of two great kids. Todd writes frequently about presentations, pitch decks and repeatedly voted as the best speaker at technology events.
AI Insights
Gain exclusive insights into the latest AI trends, breakthroughs, and market shifts—straight from top experts. Our Market, Data, and Theses notes distill key takeaways on how AI is shaping business and society, giving you a strategic edge. Subscribe now to access insider analysis that was previously reserved for our investors..